Do you dream of shipments coming and going fluidly, with no dock bottlenecking?

Does this ideal of a seamlessly efficient warehouse elude you most days?

If so, you’re not alone. Companies that don’t develop an efficient dock schedule often find themselves treading water just to keep up with day-to-day operations. This leads to stressed out managers, confused laborers, and less-than-satisfied customers. Switching to an automated system to help you manage inbound and outbound traffic can be the key to maximizing the efficiency of your operations in terms of labor, equipment, and space.

Who Needs Better Dock Scheduling?

Costa Solutions can help you implement a tightly managed dock scheduling system. Some of the signs you need help are:

  • You have any driver wait time to speak of. If drivers are sitting around waiting for their trailers to be unloaded, things are definitely not operating as efficiently as they could be. If they’re waiting so long that you’re being charged detention fees, get help fast.
  • Loads always seem to come in at the most inconvenient times. If you’re regularly receiving loads at less-than-optimal times, causing your labor force to scramble inefficiently or necessitating overtime labor, there’s a problem with scheduling. On the other side of that coin, too, is having personnel standing around waiting for shipments to come in. Not knowing when things are coming causes chaos — and radically decreased efficiency — in any warehouse.
  • Buyers and managers have to chase down shipments. If it’s common practice for managers, buyers, or other people along the chain to check in with the warehouse regarding the whereabouts of products that’s a big red flag. Shipments should be unloaded and inventoried or distributed at a set time, as determined by a workable schedule.

These are just some signs that a warehouse needs to be organized better. When the coming and going of shipments is in chaos, it creates a domino effect of inefficiency and frustration throughout a company.

What Are the Advantages of Automated Dock Scheduling?

You might just find that it makes more sense to outsource your dock scheduling. If you factor in driver detention fees, dock crew downtime, overtime labor, and the potential for lost shipments, supply chain labor outsourcing can actually be the money-saving option.

These and other expensive issues are less likely to occur when everyone is operating under a smart automated scheduling system. Time spent reconciling logs and reports or searching for lost shipments can be recovered and used for more productive purposes. An automated system also generates precise real-time reports allowing you the ability to make any necessary adjustments to ensure maximum efficiency at all times.

Considerations for Better Dock Efficiency

Implementing an effective dock management schedule can be a very smart investment. A modern automated system lets you set your priorities and have as much control over the schedule as you want.

Some things you may want to consider as you decide whether to automate are the load types you work with, any standing appointments you have with preferred carriers, and what your existing contracts require. Are your current workforce, equipment, and inventory tracking methods up to snuff? Take an honest look at what is working and what is not. An expert partner will take all of these things — and more — into account in order to create a customized system that works to streamline your operations and complement your business goals.