The warehousing sector is a critical part of any growing economy. The industry has been instrumental in aiding the growth of e-Commerce and maintaining a steady supply of goods in markets worldwide. The warehousing industry is erroneously viewed by most as merely involving storage facilities. Warehouses incorporate numerous vital elements that collectively come together to play a substantial role in ensuring that the supply chain functions efficiently. A warehouse workforce is perhaps the most integral of the elements. When not properly managed, high turnover rates, loss of productivity and increased costs can result. What can you do to achieve a satisfied warehouse workforce, and what would it take to retain your warehouse workers?

There are several strategies Costa Solutions employs to keep its managed warehouse labor staff happy and productive. You can borrow these strategies to ensure that you retain warehouse workers.

Incorporate Technology in Your Warehouse

As markets continue to expand, the volume of work handled by your warehouse staff rises. Technology helps to alleviate the extra strain that is more often than not unaccompanied by a pay rise. Most warehouses lose their workforce to jobs that are less physically taxing yet offer the same pay levels. Technology can for instance help reduce the amount of walking a person does in a day.
By limiting an individual’s movements to a small portion, you can allow the individual to focus on a particular task thereby also increasing productivity. Bulky loads of paperwork can also be eliminated by using resources such as cloud computing and data sharing. At the end of the day, an employee who feels less physically spent is a happy employee.

Offer Competitive Salaries

Warehouses have a notorious reputation for paying warehouse staff the lowest possible rates. For the most part, this translates into high staff turnover rates. It also results in the wastage of time and money. By offering pay levels that are higher than the market average, you can retain your warehouse workers and attract more prospective talent.

Competitive pay factors heavily in employee satisfaction metrics and their overall performance. It may be worth your while to offer your warehouse workers competitive pay rates in the interest of retaining them. Use of an unloading service can augment the quality of your warehouse staff while reducing costs, allowing you to pay your most trusted and effective employees more.

Involve Your Warehouse Staff in the Hiring Process

Involving your warehouse workers in the hiring process is another sure way to achieve high retention rates. The move is in itself a psychological tool that positively impacts on the employees’ motivation. By making your warehouse staff feel more involved in your company, it is unlikely that you will be losing any of them. With proper planning, this strategy can result in impressive staff retention rates.

For the sake of their own reputation, your staff will recommend individuals they believe are best suited to perform certain roles. A sense of responsibility for who gets hired lets workers feel respected and less likely to seek out other employment opportunities.

Encourage Open Communication

Being approachable and honest with your warehouse employees and taking your time to listen to their concerns is an often overlooked strategy. Open communication at the different levels can reward you with a workforce less likely to be affected by high turnover rates. Communication is an essential aspect of human society whose benefits cannot be downplayed.

Providing the optimal environment where every staff member can openly express themselves has been shown to improve retention rates. By simply interacting with employees on a personal level, you can build friendships and foster a workplace culture where everyone feels respected.

Offer Your Warehouse Staff a Flexible Work Schedule

By allowing your workers a flexible work schedule, you help to create a perfect balance between work and personal life. Flexible work schedules help to alleviate or even eliminate employee stress. Your typical warehouse worker has a life outside the workplace. He or she may need some time off to attend parent meetings at their kids’ school, attend doctors’ appointments or simply to spend time with the family. Helping your staff maintain a healthy work and personal life balance can go a long way in helping you achieve a high retention rate.

In summary, it is every warehousing company’s goal to maintain a satisfied workforce. High staff turnover rates are associated with increased spending on hiring and training. Keeping such unnecessary costs to a minimum is therefore imperative. The strategies discussed above should help you retain your warehouse workers at an impressive rate.