Every shipping network involves various key elements – vendors, service operations, distribution centers, warehouses, hubs and transportations routes, freight forwarders, carriers, importers, exporters, and many more.

The thought of optimizing all of these elements is more than enough to give any supply chainmanager a major headache. The main objective of optimization is to reduce costs while increasing efficiency. To accomplish this, companies focus on enhancing communication channels through tried and tested technologies.

NetPage Unlimited Paging System’s effective paging system can improve communication with truck drivers dramatically by leading them to the right freight delivery areas at the right time.

Communication in the Warehouse

The NPU Paging System comes with multiple functions use to warehouse management, including truck driver paging and forklift paging. In the context of forklifts, alphanumeric devices can be hardwired through a 24-volt connection and affixed on an overhead guard post. When a message is received, the device flashes, after which it displays a message instructing the driver to go to a specific location, move something, or contact the front office. The obvious benefits to this method include the driver’s ability to receive notifications while driving and accomplishing tasks without wasting precious time and shouting to be heard in a loud environment.

In the case of the warehouse receiving department, paging systems can make the delivery process smooth and seamless for truck drivers. As soon as a driver checks in, he or she is assigned a pager and can wait in their truck or the breakroom. Once the cargo is ready to be taken to the receiving staff, the driver gets a message telling him/her where to go.

This approach allows the office staff to save time in tracking down their drivers and maintain efficient operations in the receiving dock as well. It also helps prevent confusion and traffic jams on the loading dock.

Optimizing Company Resources Through Efficient Truck Driver Management

Costa Solutions has been changing the way shipping offices manage the incoming truck drivers. Any business in the transport industry knows how difficult it is to maintain control of shipping schedules while drivers are in transit. No matter how strictly a shipping order is followed, external factors can get in the way of a prompt delivery. Steady back-and-forth communication can solve this issue by introducing alternative options that can make it possible to complete a pickup or delivery in a timely fashion.

NetPage Unlimited Paging Systems

One approach that Costa Solutions has employed to reduce costs associated with overtime and overnight labor is employing a system that simplifies communication with drivers. NetPage Unlimited Paging Systems address this need by effectively tracking down drivers, decreasing turnaround time by as much as 20 minutes per truck. According to Costa Solutions IT Director Darrin Gannaway, they were able to save 1500 man hours through the use of NUP to get trucks in and out of the loading docks.

In supply chain management, everything is connected, intertwined, and has to work cohesively in order to produce successful results. Through effective paging systems, you will be able to streamline communication and benefit from its effects in other areas of your business.